Tuesday 5 August 2014

The Second Coming.

                  Well, I have returned. From what you say? A six year blogging absence of course. As a quick
response to the question that might be probing your head right now, NO, I will not provide a link to my old blog. I have my dignity to protect. Upon leaving the introspective blogging scene, I would never envision myself returning years later. Actually, how dare I say my old blog was introspective. You know what, here it is.


Go ahead. Slay me.

                  Now that I have completely killed it in my introduction, it is time for me to give y'all snippets of what this blog is to become. A plethora of subjects will arise in my future posts, there will be no limits as I wish not to put boundaries on anything. To prove it, continually read my blog of course! As you can gather from my thought-filled description, much of my personal life and thoughts will be gradually revealed in each post, it is solely up to you( the reader) to evaluate who I am, or what I represent.

                 However, I think it is a tad bit unfair to leave you with so little. So here are some things that constitute my life.

Philosophy . Politics . Economics(mildly) . Science . 
Religion( Christ in particular) . Culture . Football(not the American one) . Cooking . Dota 2

Well that just about covers the whole of reality! Mostly I will provide critiques and reviews of stuff that, you know, affects people generally. As I go, I hope to increase vibrancy and creativity in this blog, but should I fail to do so, rest assure that substance is the most important virtue of this blog, not style.

First post incoming!!!

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